Stall Holders


To book a stall at this year's Willington Carnival: Saturday 19th July 2025, please complete the appropriate form and submit it, in along with your payment.

If you require any information about the carnival or help with your application then
please ring Kay 07887 950119  or email

BEFORE applying, ALL stallholders must ensure they have read, and agree to, our terms and conditions and
have a valid Insurance, along with any necessary and relevant certificates in place before trading.

Stallholder Application Form:

Thank you for sending in your Stallholder Application Form.

We will get back to you as soon as possible with details and payment options.

Please note Stalls are not confirmed until payment has been received.

Alternatively.... download the forms below, complete them and send by post
to the postal address on the form or  email to:

Pitch Forms

Download File

Community Group &
Charities Pitch Form

Download File

Terms and Conditions


1)   Pitch allocation - Pitch application forms must be completed for consideration by the committee. Please ensure all activities or attractions that you wish to offer are detailed on the form this will allow us to ensure a wide variety and avoid duplication. The committee reserve the right to refuse admittance to or applications/activities should these already be allocated to other groups/ stall holders or not be considered in keeping with the aims of the event.

Applications should be sent in as soon as possible to ensure availability of a pitch. 

2)   Pitch sizes: Please indicate on your pitch application form the size of the pitch required. A standard size pitch will be enough room for a 3m x 3m gazebo. Stallholders are asked to supply cover in case of poor weather and any tables and chairs that are required. Please ensure all gazebos etc are secured to the ground. Please note no electricity supply is available, small diesel generators are permitted.

3)   Health & Safety, Insurance: All groups and traders are responsible for Health and Safety on their pitch and to ensure they have a valid Insurance in place . Please ensure that the area is kept free from litter or any hazards at all times. At the end of the event please ensure that all litter is cleared away. You are advised to keep personal belongings and any valuables secured.

4)   Parking: One vehicle space will be available for each pitch. Vehicle movement between and 5pm is strictly prohibited. 

5)   Payment: All pitch fees are non-refundable. Payment must be sent with the completed pitch application form. All bookings must be made in advance of the carnival and NO bookings will be accepted on the day of the carnival. Pitches for Traders cost £25.00. 

6)   Supply and Demand  please be aware that the carnival attracts increasing numbers of visitors each year. Please ensure you have adequate stock and provisions to meet the expected demands for the full duration of the event (especially for food stalls).

7)   Stalls:  Stallholders are encouraged to enter into the spirit of the event and participate in the fancy dress theme. 

8)   Willington Carnival Committee cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to property or injury to any person caused by events and activities.

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